2023 - 2024
Metáfora is a fascinating case study. When I first encountered them, they presented the classic look of the Honduran heavy/power metal scene. I joined initially as a bassist, contributing musical arrangements and compositions.
Yet, as a Visual Designer, I couldn't just watch a project with such potential settle for an outdated image. It was clear they needed a fresher, more relevant logo and cutting-edge audiovisuals.

I quickly went to work and illustrated two album covers using Photoshop, blending in hundreds of elements and prompts from Midjourney effortlessly. This creative synergy propelled me to craft storyboards, direct, and post-produce two groundbreaking music videos.

These were not only the first in Honduras to feature generative AI but also my debut in harnessing AI for creative expression. While they weren’t made entirely by AI, leveraging tools like Midjourney and Pikalabs for initial concepts and crucial animations gave me a massive boost, saving what would have been countless hours of work for a solo producer.

The greatest challenge? Embracing AI and transitioning into a new phase of my career as both an artist and a Visual Designer focused on Generative AI and Visual Composition with AI. Now, in this era, armed with such tools, I firmly believe there’s nothing I can’t create given time, talent, and a bit of patience.
Visual Design • Image and identity research • Logo design • Generative AI
Video direction, storyboard, and post-production for ”Héroe Caido” and “Paganini" singles
Bass player and musical arrangements
Singles artwork
Promotional photo retouch for social media
Teasers,Merch and Promo Videos


